Girl Of The Month: Meet Miriam Ghandour.

Before I introduce this month’s girl of the month, I wanted to use this space to say: THANK YOU! Thank you for your continued support, and for loving what we’re doing here at delaheart. I often get questions like: Who’s the next girl of the month or can I be next? I LOVE it, and I am so grateful for it all!
I know you all love the “girl of the month” feature, so let me get to it. With this new gig I get to meet plenty of like-minded people, who, I want to connect to everyone else! This is the case with Miriam “Mimi” Ghandour, who I met at my yoga studio and connected instantly. We not only share the passion for yoga, but for great fashion and unique style.
Mimi was born in Paris and raised in Saudi Arabia by Lebanese parents—hence the fabulous and eclectic style. Her mother, Farah, was a fashion stylist and the owner of a high-end clothing boutique in the Middle East. While working with her mom, Mimi, was able to tap into her passion for fashion and style.
Later she moved to Miami, where Miriam founded @mimiliciousofficial—a blog where she shares her passion for fashion and well-being, as well as her journey with her daughter Hala, who suffers from Hypotonia. If you’re looking for fashion inspo and positive vibes—this is your girl!

Occupation: Yoga Instructor and founder of Mimilicious.

What’s a day in Mimi’s life like?
As a mother of two, my kids are the center of my universe. My life revolves around them. I take them to school, then I’m off to practice or teach yoga. After that, I go home and cook lunch, then I pick up my kids and take my daughter to therapy. Once we are done, we return home and have an early dinner and get ready for bed.

How did you get started with your fashion/blogger career?
My fashionable outfits and yoga-style gained the admiration of many in my yoga classes. One day, a classmate came up to me and asked: “Are you a fashion blogger?” I humbly said: No, I’m not…” to which the classmate responded: “Well you should be a fashion blogger, because I love your style and how you put things together. Please consider it.”

That same day, before I went to bed, I started my blog via Instagram. I thought 
of several names at first, then a light switch came on as I recalled a term my friends use to describe things that I would wear or enjoy “Mimilicious”. As such, I decided to make the name of my blog “Mimilicious”.
In my blog, I share my passion for fashion and yoga, but also my travel adventures and the journey through the difficulties I face daily with my daughter, Hala, who suffers from Hypotonia.

How do you find time to do it all—family, work, fun, etc?
As is the case with many of us, time management is very difficult. Because my days are quite busy, I’m usually in bed by 7pm. However, I try to push myself to complete as many tasks as I can each day.

Can’t leave the house without?
Favorite coffee shop in Miami.
Chocolate fashion
Favorite season.
Best way to decompress at home.
Cook and spend time with my kids
Last thing you cooked.
Lentil salad
On your reading list.
I know this much is true -Wally lamb

What’s your go-to fitness routine or regimen?
I practice yoga every single day.
Where do you work out and why do you go there?
I practice the traditional Ashtanga practice called “mysore”. Ahana Yoga, has a great program so I go there.
What is your approach to nutrition?
Eat clean and healthy most of the time but allow myself to indulge in delicious treats from time to time.
What are your lifestyle “must-do’s”?
Call my parents, best friend, and drink coffee everyday.
What’s the cheat treat you can’t resist?

What’s your “passed down from Mom” beauty secret?
Positive thinking!
Most creams are the same. Don’t fall for the expensive ones!
Your “can’t live without” beauty product.
Ole henrikson truth serum
Beauty secret.
I sometimes use preparation H under my eyes to reduce the puffiness. Lol
Best beauty tip.
Hydrate your skin, lips and body. Drink lots of water.
Favorite place to get beautified in Miami.
Logan skin care clinic

Favorite app.
Last person you texted.
My best friend
Person you text the most.
My best friend that lives in Paris
Favorite social-media platform.
Last google search.
Benefits of Prayanama breathing.
App your most embarrassed to have on your phone.

Ideal “date night” outfit.
Jumpsuit by Alexis.
Favorite outfit.
Dolce and Gabbana cocktail dresses.
Place you want to travel next.
Words to live by.
Love all. Trust few. Everything’s real but not everyone is true.
What career would you choose in your next life.
Beautician/hair dresser

For more on Mimi, follow her on instragram @mimiliciousofficial and visit her blog 

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