Full Moon In Aquarius

Happy Saturday Natural Beauties! Are you ready to transform, be inspired, and feel renewed? Change is in the air, and some of you may have been feeling this already, too, with last night’s Full Moon in Aquarius. This sacred event, while magical, can be responsible for stirring up the winds of change and leave you feeling called to shift direction or morph an area of your life that is no longer serving you. The Full Moon in Aquarius fosters a strong need for emotional and spiritual freedom and an obligation to do things differently. Take this time to listen and feel inspired by what will serve YOU. We can use this period to break old habits or ideas and create new goals that bring new meaning to your life. Try to be open over the next few days and allow yourself to receive this fresh energy while letting go of and decluttering old emotions and making room for clarity. 
This period incorporates the activation of light, and positive energies, so use this time to meditate or have a sound bath, perform self-care rituals, practice yoga, acupuncture, or any practice that will support and guide your spirit. De La Heart Tip: Under the light of the moon, be sure to put out your precious gemstones and gua sha to cleanse and recharge the stones’ energy!


Here’s 5 ways you can harness all of the beautiful energy of the Full Moon in Aquarius:

  1. Take this time to get quiet and listen to what will serve YOU. 

  2. Use this period to break old habits or ideas and create new goals that bring new meaning.

  3. Be open over the next few days to receive this fresh energy while decluttering old emotions and making room for clarity. 

  4. Benefit from powerful energies by meditating or performing self-care rituals—we love taking a salt bath with our Bath Therapy as Grey Sea Salt serves as a detoxifying and meditative agent. 

  5. Under the light of the moon, put out your precious gemstones and Gua Sha stones to cleanse and recharge with the energy of the full moon.
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