I’m a firm believer that food is medicine. A few weeks ago, I got back from a trip and my stomach was killing me! So, I did a little research on “soothing foods for the stomach”—carrot and ginger were on the top of that list. As a result, I decided to make a vegan carrot and ginger soup to soothe my tummy…and it worked magically! This recipe (like all my recipes) is: simple, requires maximum 5 ingredients, and doesn’t require too much time in the kitchen. Hope you guys enjoy this soup as much as I do, I eat all the time now!
4 cups chopped and peeled organic Carrots (about 10 carrots)
1/4 cup fresh Organic ginger, minced
2 cups vegetable broth (it's the bone broth recipe without the bones)
1 cup of organic coconut/almond milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Herbs and Olive oil to taste
First, in a large pot, add in the carrots with water, simmer for about 20 minutes, until carrots get soft.
Next, add the already soft carrots, the vegetable broth, the peeled and minced ginger, and the coconut/almond milk to your Vitamix or regular blender and process the soup until smooth.
Return the pureed mixture to the pot to gently reheat. Add a touch of salt and pepper, herbs, or olive oil. Stirr well.
Serve your vegan carrot and ginger soup with a dollop of olive oil or coconut-non dairy yogurt if desired and enjoy!
I like to add rosemary from my garden and a little olive oil when plating!
Can’t wait to see how your soups come out!
from my heart,