A Look Inside Gigi's Coffee Cup

Like a good Colombian, coffee is a must in my morning ritual. I live for that dose of caffeine in the morning, after all, I am mom! I usually have my cup of joe after I alkaline my body with a glass of celery-based green juice or warm lemon water. And since this is my only cup of coffee in the day, I make sure it's packed with superfoods to help me jumpstart my day and provide me with a clear, focused mind. 
Whether you're heading to your local coffee shop today to pick up a free cup of joe or simply making your latte at home for #NationalCoffeeDay, check out my favorite coffee add in's to help you upgrade your daily java in the comfort of your home, any day of the week.


I like to transform my coffee into a mesmerizing moment with a great creamer. Lately I flirt between Lairds Superfood & Vital Proteins Vanilla Collagen. One of the main ingredients in the Laird Superfood creamer is coconut oil, which has been shown to have many health benefits, including an immune system boost, improvements in memory and brain function, increased energy levels, and improved digestion/gut health.

Lairds Superfood Creamer or Vital Proteins Vanilla Collagen Creamer

    Plant-Based Milks

    When I add milk to my coffee it must be plant-based. With so many alternatives in the market (woohoo! we've come such a long way) I gravitate towards MALK Organics, as their products are unsweetened, GMO- and lactose-free and vegan friendly. No carrageenan. No binders. It's made with six ingredients or less, and more than one cup of sprouted organic nuts in every bottle, cold-pressed with the latest technology to retain all the nutrients without losing any of the flavor. 

    Malk Organics Almond & Oat Milk

    Super-Food Adaptogens 

    Coffee is the perfect drink to mask the strong tastes of adaptogens. By combining coffee and adaptogens, you'll develop your own personal morning elixir with benefits that extend well beyond your wakeup routine.

    Moon Juice Reishi Powder, Pearl Powder & Chaga 

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