Girl of the Month: Meet Erica Groussman

Erica Groussman is a mom, wife, and the co-founder of TRUWOMEN, an indulgent nutrition company, where they create real food that tastes great. Her products and the way she runs her company are all about empowering women and creating healthier products for a healthier world. We love that!
"As a mom who is always on-the-go, I couldn't shake the fact that most snacks that taste good use ingredients I couldn't pronounce, or if they use clean ingredients, they taste like cardboard." 
TRUWOMEN products have changed the game in the nutrition world, and Erica is just getting started. Follow along as she takes us through her daily routine, her journey to entrepreneurship and a few beauty secrets that you won't want to miss! 

Please tell us what you do for a living.   I am a Co-Founder and CEO of TRUWOMEN, an indulgent nutrition company.  

How did you get started with your career?  As a mom who is always on-the-go, I couldn't shake the fact that most snacks either taste good, yet use ingredients I couldn't pronounce, or they use clean ingredients—but taste like cardboard. And I knew I couldn’t be alone in demanding clean treats that I could proudly crave. Through the great network of friends, I crossed paths with my co-founder Stephanie Pyatt and she too, become obsessed with blurring the lines between heathy and delicious. The more we asked women what they wanted to snack on, the stronger we committed ourselves to creating clean products that most everyone can enjoy. 

Describe a day in your life.  

I wear many hats - Mom, Wife, CEO - so no day is ever the same. Since the TRUWOMEN team is lean, we all jump in where help is needed. I typically try to keep a consistent morning routine, beginning bright and early with getting my kids ready for the day and taking them to school. Following that, I try to squeeze in a workout and then check my work calendar to start checking off my items for the day.  

Tell us about your journey through entrepreneurship?   

Being an entrepreneur is one of the most living-giving endeavors I’ve journeyed through. I love championing products that I have an affinity for and connecting likeminded business persons, so having the opportunity to do that for my own company is truly so special. If I could give any advice to someone who is looking to become an entrepreneur, it’s to make yourself available, get around people who are smarter than you, and ultimately take risks for the things that keep you up at night.  

Please tell us about truwomen.  

Aside from our products, I am most excited about what we are doing with our business practices. It was important that we not only create a cleaner healthier alternative for women to eat and share but that we also practice better business by empowering women within the workplace. We’re working to drive a new frontier of leadership for women- elevating and providing opportunities for them. From the women behind the company to the vendors we work with, TRUWOMEN supports female-founded, female-owned and female-managed businesses who also elevate women in their respective organizations. Our goal is to empower this generation while inspiring the next. 


Where are you from and how long have you lived in Miami?  

I grew up in Buffalo, New York until I was seventeen. I then moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA and ending up living there for many years, until finally settling down in Miami, Florida.  

Last thing you cooked?  

Palmini pasta with Rao's spaghetti sauce. It’s a classic.  

Can’t leave the house without?  

My Delaheart sun visor!  

Favorite food.   


Favorite season.  


Best way to decompress at home. 

Decompress? What’s that?! Hehe. I try to mediate every day, although sometimes I only have a quick five minutes and that’s totally okay.  

What’s on your reading list.  

Wish I had a list! 


How do you usually start your mornings?  

Celsius! I wish I had the time to do lemon water or celery juice, but I go straight for the Celsius the second I open my eyes.  

What is the first thing you thought of this morning?  

Both my kids had a slight fever, so it was all about them. 

What is your go-to fitness routine or regimen? 

I like to mix it up. Sol Yoga, Barry’s Bootcamp, Pilathon Pilates and tennis with friends are a few of my favorites! 

Where do you work out/practice and why do you go there?  

Sol Yoga is one of my favorite places to take a class. For one, it smells good...And that’s not the case for most hot yoga studios! Beyond that, the infrared heaters are a great way to help detox throughout your flow, and the teachers are always so happy. 

What is your approach to nutrition? 

 Be good to your temple. Personally, I’m a pescatarian, but I also believe if you are giving your body the best possible food, no matter what it is, then you’re doing right for yourself. 

What are your lifestyle “must-do’s” and your absolute “no ways”? 

My number one thing is to protect your skin against the sun! I always carry sunscreen and hats on me. That being said, I am all about good glow and love self-tanners. My personal favorite is Miami Gorgeous. 

What is your relationship to food?  

I have a mad sweet tooth and when the kiddos go to sleep, you can find me with my favorite snacks  


What’s your “passed down from Mom” beauty secret? 

Eye cream. I have been using it since I was 10, and I sometimes put it on 3x in a day…  

Best beauty tip you ever received. 

 Self-tanner for the face ;) Thank you Cynthia! 

What’s a beauty secret you want to share with us. 

 I’m obsessed with the Blue lagoon by may lindstrom. 

What’s your philosophy about beauty

Less is more, nothing is better than glowing healthy skin. 


Favorite app. 


Favorite social-media platform. 


Favorite person to follow on Instagram... 

@truwomen... plug plug ;) 

Last google search

A local gym, that will soon be carrying TRUWOMEN products! 

Person you text the most.  

Mark Groussman, the love of my life. 


What’s your favorite city in the world.  

I love living in Miami and still feel like there is so much for me to explore. 

Where do you want to travel next.  


Last trip you took. 

Orlando for work. 

What words do you live by.  

One word that says it all,“Karma”.  

If you could offer dating advise to your 18-year-old self, what would it be?  

Be yourself, be patient and do you! 

What’s the secret to a healthy relationship/marriage?  

Trust, love and kindness 

Do you have any upcoming projects you want to share with us?  

I’m very excited about our product expansion to TRUCOOKIE. These healthy bites are launching this summer, and the flavor is UNREAL. 


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