5 Easy Ways to Build New Habits (and how to make them stick)

1. Believe that you can build new habits and build on them one at a time.
What is your motivation for wanting new habits, and why? Ask yourself how this new habit will improve your life and better you. Start one new habit at a time, then slowly build upon each one. Set attainable goals and an achievable timeline, and before you know it, you will have a brand-new healthy routine. 

2. Be Specific and be reasonable.
Make sure to set specific and achievable goals. Be realistic with your new habit and choose a timeline that you know you can accomplish. Start small and build at your own pace.

3. Be Consistent.
Consistency is the key to establishing a new habit and sticking to it. Doing the same thing day after day will set your new habit in your mind. It will become routine. Be accountable for your new habit—take notes, schedule specific times or invite a friend to join you and accomplish the goal together!

4. Give yourself time.
It takes time to successfully accomplish a new habit. For the habit to stick and become routine, it will take about two months, or 66 days. Don’t be too hard on yourself, dust off and try again!

5. Build in a reward.
Set a standard for your new habit and offer yourself a reward at the end of each accomplished goal. Whenever you reach your milestone, treat yourself. Celebrate yourself for sticking with your new routine. This is the beginning of a new you!

In the words of Jim Rohn, “Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”


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